How to Connect Remote Desktop for Remote Working

Many employees are forced to shift to remote work during the pandemic. While this enables them to continue delivering their tasks from home, this abrupt transition also presented inevitable challenges. Take for example the computer they will use. It’s not easy to disassemble and bring their office desktop to their houses. Fortunately, by learning how to connect to a remote desktop, working virtually becomes easier. After all, you’re working with sensitive data so it’s only reasonable to keep them within company walls and firewalls.

Most common challenges faced by remote workers

Here are some of the most common challenges faced by remote workers as well as some tips on how to overcome them.

Problem: Disturbances in the Environment

There are a lot of distractions whenever you’re at home. Whether it’s the television running in the background, the barking of your dog, or the mailman delivering your package, something is always happening. It can be difficult to focus when there are unnecessary noises behind the scenes.

How to Connect Remote Desktop

Solution: Create Boundaries

Having a work mindset can be difficult when there’s a lot going on in your home. The good news is that you can manage these distractions by setting boundaries. When things get too loud, you may close the door and just work in your room. Meanwhile, if you are expecting any delivery, you can just leave a note telling the mail carrier to skip the doorbell. Outline the things that work for you and apply them on your day.

Problem: Data and Information Security

Your company’s files must be kept secure at all times. When you access private information from your personal computer without an encrypted connection, you are opening a gateway for malicious cyber-attacks to steal your data. This can cause harm to your company’s bottom line. If cybercriminals can access your precious data, they may use it to steal funds, intellectual property, and more.

Solution: Protect Your Data

To access your office PC without compromising work-related files, you can use remote desktop software. Knowing how to connect from a remote desktop to the host computer can help avoid unauthorized access. This enables users to connect securely to work files, data and allows for more private browsing and collaboration experience.

Problem: Access to Your Company VPN

A Virtual Private Network (VPN) is a private connection that encrypts data and makes your IP address anonymous. It protects you while you browse the web especially when you travel from place to place. Most companies use VPNs to help secure the information their employees are accessing from third parties. Although it is not too complicated to use a VPN, the organization’s IT team has to set up permissions and access to the VPN connection. This can be quite challenging to remote workers using personal devices, especially those outside the VPN’s range.

Solution: Remote into Your Work Computer

Companies must prioritize security to prevent data breaches. By leaving your work desktop in the office and just connecting into it from your home computer, you can save yourself from the worries of having unwanted visitors. By having remote desktop connection manager software in your system, you can connect to your work network and collaborate with your teammates securely. With password protection and encryption, you are safeguarding your company’s proprietary data from malicious actors while efficiently working from home.

Problem: Collaboration with Colleagues

Collaboration can also be an issue when working from home. Whether you are working on a presentation together, onboarding a new employee, or troubleshooting a technical issue, collaboration can be difficult when you’re not together. Even if there are video conferencing and screen sharing tools you can use, security remains an issue.

Solution: Communicate Securely

By working together effectively, you can meet tight deadlines and achieve collective success. As such, it’s critical to collaborate securely with your team even if you’re in different locations. Connecting to a remote desktop can ensure that you maintain the same level of security as you would have working in the office.

Final Thoughts

Even though working remotely comes with some challenges, you can reap several benefits from it. Just think about how much money your company can save and how efficient your employees can be if you use remote desktop connections manager. With Itarian, you can use your work device at ease without going to your office. Check out our products and select the one that best suits your needs today.

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