Service Desk Responsibilities

How Service Desks Should Work

Most people aren't even sure what Service Desks are and may not know what they are capable of doing and what they should be doing. At ITarian, we believe that they should focus on the customer, whether that's an employee (internal desk) or services for consumers (external). Some IT people think that it's easy to fix computers, because they do it all day long. However, regular people may have problems and need help. Therefore, it's up to you to ensure you:

  • Put customers first
  • Listen to clients and their problems
  • Respond to their needs
  • Anticipate their needs
  • Treat them kindly
  • Help them understand your role
  • Improved customer services
  • Faster response times
  • Lower costs


While strict procedures may make it sound like you have things organized and under control, it could mean that requests and incidents aren't considered important if they don't go through the proper channels. Whether they call it in or stop you as you're walking to the break room, you shouldn't ignore them.

Our product can help because we offer a product that allows customers to find answers to smaller problems, which saves you the time to fix it yourself. When that's not possible, we also make it easier for them to create a ticket, so they don't have to call in and request a ticket be opened. This step can save a lot of time because you're not stopping your productivity to answer calls.

Service Desk is meant to anticipate problems and find workarounds before they become problems. This can be done through patch management, monitoring and managing tasks and more. We can help with all your needs, including remote monitoring and management because we offer those products as well. Service desks are the heart of the IT department, and you should make life easier by contacting us today.

Service Desk Responsibilities


Customers or employees who use the IT department or need them want to be responded to promptly. We provide automated notifications and alerts, which can be set up to relay messages, such as "Your ticket has been received," and "Someone will contact you in [insert timeframe here]." These options can make it easier to respond to clients and let them know you're doing something.


Because you'll have happier customers/employees and faster response times with our service desk, people will be more productive which could mean gaining more sales and lowering costs. Contact us today for more information.